Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tra Co beach

Tra Co is one of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam. Located in Quang Ninh province, next to Vietnam - China border, Tra Co - a good and charming place for vacations is only 8 -9 kilometers away from Mong Cai town.
Tra Co Beach is a famous tour attraction in Vietnam with broad fine sand beaches stretching for 17 kilometers from the cape named Got in the north to the cape named Ngoc in the south. Tra Co situates on the outer edge of the island. The coastline is bordered by 3-4 meters high sand dunes and peaceful fishing villages. The beach is shaded by a range of casuarina, protecting the village from the wind and the sand. Tra Co beach is an ideal place to spend holidays. If you spend your holiday on the fifth month of the lunar calendar, you can have a chance to take part in Tra Co Communal House Festival organized from the 30th of the fifth lunar month to the 6th of the sixth lunar month..
Tropical monsoon climate. It’s hot and has a lot of rain in summer, in winter it’s cold and has a little rain. From May to September, it is the hot and rainy season, from November to March, it is the dry season. So there are enough four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn, winter.
The average temperature in Tra Co is 22° 7C, although it tends to fall below 20°C from December to March. The hottest months are June and July when the temperatures reach 26 and 28°C. In July and August, there are many storms and typhoon. Therefore, you should not go on holiday on these months.
How to get there:
Tra Co Beach can be reached by boat from Hai Phong to Mong cai (206km) or from Hong Gai (132km). From Hanoi, you can go by bus, then following Highway No 18 to Tien Yen - Hon Gai and after that turn to Road No 4 to Mong cai.
Tra Co is abundant in seafood: fish, cuttle- fish, crab, shrimp, especially Tra Co is well-known for local dishes made from king- crab.
When you come to Tra Co, please visit Tra Co Communal House, which was built in 16th century and Tra Co church built in 1880 and since then it has gone through many restorations.
You can also come to visit Dong Hung town - China.

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